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 Bookster Tailoring Partners with the Campaign for Wool

Bookster Tailoring Partners with the Campaign for Wool

Posted by Bookster on 2nd Mar 2021

Campaign for Wool

Live Naturally…Choose Wool

We are proud to announce that we are official partners of The Campaign For Wool. Patron HRH The Prince of Wales

Our commitment to working with Pure Wool British Cloth has been a central pillar for Bookster Tailoring since we began.

We are based in the Royal Forest of Dean, on the edge of the Cotswolds, where sheep still roam freely,  which historically was an extremely important Wool / Sheep Centre.

Here are some of the key points that the Campaign for Real Wool stands for:

  • Pure wool is 100% Natural, 100% Renewable, 100% sustainable,100% biodegradable.
  • It is warm but it is cool too because it adapts to the wearer in the same way it does for the sheep .
  • It is strong and long lasting.
  • Wool has hypoallergenic properties.
  • It is a smart fibre. It never loses any of its qualities on its journey from the sheep to the finished product. So as well as being made into garments and other products that can last for many years which in itself is less wasteful, it is the antithesis of mass produced short life throw away clothing. Wool is fully recyclable too.

Leicester Longwool Sheep - Photo Courtesy Gekleurd Sikko Oegema

We  are as passionate about wool as our finished garments, it is integral and irreplaceable. We do also use certain natural blends such as Wool / Mohair. Cotton and Linen but these represent a very small percentage of our production.

Sheep are also used to manage and maintain landscapes. Britain would look totally different without them. They provide jobs in rural areas from the farmers and shepherds to the weavers and mills. It also conserves the types and breeds of sheep native to Britain that have been bred adapted and developed for generations. And meat of course…..

You will most likely be aware that some wools are Breed Specific…such as Shetland for instance. Bookster Tailoring has always wanted to be part of supporting and developing this aspect of wool production. The qualities differ between the myriad of breeds, they have their own special characteristics.

We have had more than a passing interest in Sheep as we used to breed them ourselves, take the fleeces and have them made into throws, knitting wool and cloth. Some such as the wools from British Longwool breeds  has very distinctive characteristics including a high lustre and long staple length that is highly prized for hand spun yarns. We also have the rare hardy British Primitive Breeds, descendants of the earliest types of sheep known to man, the first to be domesticated.  All have a part to play.

Dugdales Ecology Collection

To mark our support and partnership with The Campaign for Wool,  we are introducing Dugdale's Ecology Range of cloths to our customers.  This ground breaking cloth is made from a blend of wool from The Jacob and Black Welsh Mountain Sheep breeds, Pictured below. These breeds are relatively numerous which has enabled this initiative to be realised. Fabulous substantial cloth that is in its natural colours and many pattern choices. View the collection Here
To order garments in the Ecology Collection Tweed from Bookster -  choose Special Cloth C from the bottom of the Tweed Order Forms and add cloth choice to notes.  

Black Welsh Mountain Sheep - Photo Courtesy John de Leeuw

Jacob Sheep - Photo Courtesy Alan Levine

Bookster Tailoring