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20th Jan 2023


‘Mismatched’ men’s clothing.

The Italian word Spezzato literally means ‘broken’ ‘fragmented’ ‘interrupted’ ‘. Mostly it relates to the mixing of suit separates but it has taken on a much wider meaning.

It might sound terrible but trust Italian men to create something special that defies convention and works for them on their own terms.

Here in the UK, at least historically, we are well known and even admired for our adherence to our rich traditions in respect to mens' clothing history.

Well, there has been much dilution in that respect. It really started when a particular Prime Minister some years ago started appearing without …..a neck tie…It caused great consternation and was widely commented on even globally . Well let me tell you, try and enter a prestigious Gentleman’s club in London and be refused entry without one…it happened to me, and a tie was instantly produced for me from the reception desk.

However, the tieless trend became normal in general terms including work places.

The Pandemic took things a whole lot further with the ‘work at home’ necessity and relax the whole doctrine.

Now that things are relatively back to normal, we have noticed a real uptick in the demand for personalised clothing of high quality, and with it a daringness and a desire for a wardrobe to treasure and maximise the use of. It’s a new found enthusiasm, with a hint of the sustainability quotient.

Well, our Italian friends have been way ahead for years. Mixing their passion for clothing with value by making more use of their collections and a totally personalised more complex look instead of what they think, let us say it, boring , matching look of old.

Spezzato now goes far wider than suits. And in our case as tailors best known for tweed it has great significance.

Years ago, we have to give credit to a treasured French customer, a mayor no least who introduced us to ‘Tweed Spezzato’. A tradition in Normandy that goes back generations. We helped him to select different tweeds for a 3 piece suit…at the time we were a bit taken aback until he explained the tradition to us. The results were striking to say the least, sadly we have no image’s, but you get the idea. His waistcoat and trousers were in  totally different cloths to the jacket. Over the years we have provided a similar service to other customers over there and further afield.

Mainly unrelated colours and patterns that certainly get you noticed and widens the scope for the use of your wardrobe. Mix and Match (or not!)

We have always highlighted the widest possible use of our garments to customers. And the longevity of our garments. So, you can easily go from an important 3 piece suit to being able to use each 3 pieces in different ways and settings. The combinations are almost limitless when you also incorporate accessories such as scarves, neckties, caps etc.(Italian images of Spezzato we have seen often include a contrasting scarves and caps)

A fundamental addition to help Spezzato to work for you are well tailored trousers (yes! another of our specialities) jeans you may already have work well, but with ‘Bookster Spezzato’ we use finest Linen, Cotton, Moleskin, Corduroy, Whipcord and of course the ubiquitous Cavalry Twill. Not forgetting Tweed…. Fishtail high waist trousers with braces are popular and versatile. Our colour and pattern ranges are countless.

Our overcoats and shooting/sporting tweeds are also multi use…wearing a tweed field coat (even in town) or traditional overcoat gives a whole new look with jeans or Whipcords. And throw in one of our caps.

You do not have to be outlandish to enter the Spezzato world though many are, you can still exercise taste for what you feel comfortable in. And you should know that we offer all the help we can to help our customers procure the right garment(s) and achieve maximum usefulness, all part of our service, if you want or need, our relationship begins when you order from us, it does not end on delivery.